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Where are You on the CRM Manager’s Evolution Curve?

Are you still treading your feet in the segmentation waters, or perhaps already enjoying the fruits of AI-based orchestration? Locate yourself, and your team – and learn where you need to go (Whitepaper)

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Re-engage your churned customers with this guide

Why it matters:

The CRM Manager Evolution Curve whitepaper provides marketers with a roadmap for continuous improvement in the dynamic field of CRM marketing. The guide, condensed from extensive experience with global CRM managers, allows quick self-assessment and directs marketers toward necessary progression. Understanding your position on this curve ensures strategic insights to successfully navigate the competitive CRM landscape.

Key Takeaways:

The CRM Manager Evolution Curve whitepaper offers marketers valuable insights from years of experience with diverse global CRM managers.

Marketers can quickly self-assess their position on the evolution curve using the five-level framework, ensuring strategic awareness and progress.

Navigating the competitive CRM landscape successfully requires understanding and adapting to the evolving dynamics, as outlined in the whitepaper’s practical insights.

In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection.

In marketing, it‘s the improvement in the skills and tools of a marketer over several years and relies on – well, too – the process of natural selection. As in, if you are not keeping up with the program, you will get left behind.

How to prevent churn and reactivate customer

In other words, “the competitive world in which we live requires us to improve our performance continuously. Whether you are a basketball player or a CRM manager, you constantly improve your craft. The basketball player might focus on her shot, passing, and defense, while also looking at the equipment that will provide her the best advantage. Similarly, CRM managers focus on their segmentation, execution, and analysis practices, while taking a deep look into the technology they require to be the best at their job.”

And much like in biology or the WNBA, there are no shortcuts to superstardom in the world of CRM either.

What does that evolution look like? And what defines each step in the process? Based on years of experience working with thousands of CRM managers from various industries and all across the globe – we have broken down, dissected, reverse-engineered, and built it back up.

Now it is presented to you in 5 levels, and a cheat-sheet-like kind of table – here’s a glimpse of it:

(there are 4 more levels to go)

We put it all in a whitepaper that will allow you to quickly locate yourself on this evolution curve, see where you are, and immediately understand where you need to progress towards to survive the cruel natural selection of the CRM savanna.


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Rony Vexelman

Rony Vexelman is Optimove’s VP of Marketing. Rony leads Optimove’s marketing strategy across regions and industries. Previously, Rony was Optimove's Director of Product Marketing leading product releases, customer marketing efforts and analyst relations. Rony holds a BA in Business Administration and Sociology from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.

Amit Levkovich

Amit Levkovich is Optimove’s Director of Product. She has an extensive technical and product management experience, and specializes in applying technologies to create products that solve business challenges. Amit holds a BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, and a Masters in Business Administration.