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Driving Growth with Customer Engagement: Kaizen Gaming’s Marketing Journey

Learn how sophisticated segmentation and hyper-personalization are fueling high-performing campaigns

Take your customer segmentation to the next level with our advanced guide

Why it Matters:

Marketers often face the challenge of engaging with existing and potential customers effectively and at scale to grow their customer base and quickly penetrate new markets.

In this case study, learn how Kaizen Gaming achieved this goal using Optimove’s Customer-Led Marketing Platform.

The Big Picture:

1. Doubling down on growth
Kaizen had in place a strategic plan to expand its international presence from 13 to 26 markets by the end of 2026.

2. Aiming at smarter segmentation and personalization at scale
To expand the customer base, the team needed to resonate with their target audiences through highly engaging, personalized campaigns, and to do so for millions of potential and existing customers.

3. Eliminating the manual effort
Though the manual worksheet approach to segmentation that was in place could not support their goals. Moreover, the CRM team was limited in the number of campaigns that their incumbent environment would allow them to run concurrently.

4. Overcoming the challenge with Optimove
To overcome the challenge, Kaizen selected the Customer-Led Marketing Platform from Optimove.

5. Exceeding engagement targets
The results have been remarkable. For example, personalizing email templates to specific customer preferences and behaviors have resulted in a 10% increase in open rates and a 40% increase in click-throughs.

About Kaizen Gaming

Based in Greece, Kaizen Gaming is the country’s gametech leader and one of the fastest growing providers in Europe, serving over 13 million active users in 16 markets.

The company provides online gaming products and experiences through the Stoixman brand, the largest online gaming operator in Greece and Cyprus, and the Betano brand, which provides online betting and casino experiences to customers outside of Greece.

Doubling down on expansion

To meet its strategic goal of expanding international presence from 13 to 26 markets by the end of 2026, Kaizen realized that it needed to launch more campaigns at the same time than it ever has, and to significantly increase performance results.

It also recognized that this would require the ability to:

  • Build many different smart segmentations
  • Send communications and content that are personalized to each of the many different types of customers being targeted.

However, the manual, worksheet-based approach to data and segmentation that was in place was extremely time-consuming.

The CRM team could neither access the right data at the right time nor gain the insights they needed for building granular segments and creating highly engaging campaigns.

“We were limited in the number of campaigns that we could do. Without Optimove, there was no way we could engage with all the segments that we needed to. And we certainly couldn’t know with accuracy what would be the best communication to send,” Konstantinos Chelakis, Head of Customer Lifecycle Management, Kaizen Gaming.

To overcome the challenge, Kaizen came to Optimove.

Guide to Advanced Customer Segmentation

Step 1: Laying the foundations

The Optimove data science team created a bespoke customer lifecycle model that included robust value segmentations with multiple segmentation layers and hundreds of new customer attributes, which is essential for hyper-personalization.

This first step of laying the foundation enabled Kaizen’s CRM team to understand how to communicate based on specific behaviors and individual preferences.

Step 2: Launching the campaigns

With a new lifecycle model in hand, all the segmentations that they needed, and the ability to deliver highly personalized communications, Kaizen could now engage like never before.

For example, the team can tailor communications to customers who have displayed a liking for a particular soccer team by designing an email template with the colors of that team’s uniform.

This approach to personalization has garnered unprecedented engagement rates, with a 10% increase in open rates and a 40% increase in click-throughs.

And with advanced automation, the team is empowered to launch more campaigns than they ever thought possible.

“Before Optimove, we could have two marketing campaigns running at the same time, targeting 100,000 customers. Now, we are running 400 campaigns concurrently, targeting over 13 million customers with relevant content and communications. And all this without any additional resources.”

In conclusion

With the Optimove Customer-Led Marketing Platform, Kaizen has extended the reach and impact of its campaigns. The CRM team can now tailor content and messages to the specific interests of hundreds of different types of customers across dozens of markets faster than ever and effort-free.

And the numbers speak for themselves, with campaigns outperforming across multiple KPIs.

As the company continues to grow, customer-led marketing has placed Kaizen in the optimal position to scale its campaigns and support even the most ambitious growth goals.

To learn more, request a demo.

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Guy Leshno

Guy Leshno, a seasoned PR and Communications professional, with a successful track record in leading PR strategies and projects in emerging startups. With over a decade of experience, his expertise lies in blending creative ideation, analytics, and expert writing capabilities, driving brand awareness, and improving sales.