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Renowned Futurist, Nikolas Badminton, to Keynote at Optimove Connect 2025 Conference in London on March 19-20 on Facing Our Futures – Looking to 2035 and Beyond

Join us for a transformative keynote on facing the future with renowned futurist Nikolas Badminton

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Why it Matters:

Nikolas Badminton, a renowned futurist and consultant, will be the keynote speaker at Optimove Connect 2025. With extensive experience in helping businesses navigate uncertainties, Nikolas will share invaluable insights that empower marketers to leverage future opportunities and become powerful, position-less marketers.

Key Takeaways: 
  • In his talk, “Facing Our Futures – Looking to 2035 and Beyond’ Nikolas will explore our ever-changing world where engagement, influence and online empowerment is more important than ever. We will explore the signals, trends and scenarios that show a new thriving communication ecosystem that serves us all today and have an eye on the 5 and 10+ year horizon so we can anticipate opportunities and challenges. Beyond that, Nikolas will explore how online and real-world marketing and communications will shift with developments in AI, synthetic data, augmented reality, sensors and automated systems accelerating our path to a new reality.
  • Nikolas will equip marketers with the foresight to anticipate and prepare for impact today with a view on the technological ecosystem and empowers and inspires us. As the deployment of AI and GenAI in marketing is accelerating, he will demonstrate how marketers can optimize their practices and their teams by leaning into the idea and benefit of being a position-less marketer. This approach integrates strategic foresight and taps into the potential of the latest technology responsibly to unlock previously unimagined personal and team potentials.

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More on Nikolas Badminton

Nikolas Badminton is a world-renowned Chief Futurist and a mentor for top executives and high-level government leaders. Badminton applies foresight against his experience in transforming data-driven and digital marketing. In addition, he has collaborated with more than 450 leading organizations on the frontlines of futures, strategy, exponential technologies, and disruption. He has inspired and worked with clients including NASA, Disney, Google, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, WM, JP Morgan Chase, Verizon, VISA, TD Bank, American Express, Thales Group, Rolls Royce, National Retail Federation, Procter & Gamble, the US Department of State, the UK Home Office, the United Nations, and more.

His bestselling book, Facing Our Futures: How Foresight, Futures Design, and Strategy Creates Prosperity and Growth, was selected as JP Morgan’s ‘Next Gen Pick’ for their prestigious 2023 Summer Reading List to inspire new leaders to embrace futures thinking.

Badminton’s groundbreaking research has been featured by BBC, VICE, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Business Insider, Forbes, and Sunday Telegraph. He frequently appears on SiriusXM and CTV, and served as a key advisor for the series, Age of AI, with Robert Downey Jr.

In Summary

Attendees of Optimove Connect 2025 can expect to gain a broader perspective on industry evolution and actionable strategies to effectively harness foresight. By the end of his talk, participants will leave with a futurist mindset that strengthens strategic thinking and empowered to see how tomorrow’s technology can be deployed today.

Join us for this transformative session with Nikolas Badminton at Optimove Connect 2025 to equip your organization to seize the future and elevate your marketing strategies. Register now to secure your spot

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Rony Vexelman

Rony Vexelman is Optimove’s VP of Marketing. Rony leads Optimove’s marketing strategy across regions and industries. Previously, Rony was Optimove's Director of Product Marketing leading product releases, customer marketing efforts and analyst relations. Rony holds a BA in Business Administration and Sociology from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management.