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In the Media

AI in Marketing: 10 Early Use Cases
Online lingerie brand Adore Me used Optimove’s AI to segment its customer list into different types of prospects and customers to increase purchases and subscribers to its membership pricing program.
How Adore Me used AI to double its active customers
Using Optimove’s technology, the company divided customers into 60-plus segments. As a result, Adore Me saw a 15 percent increase in monthly revenue from its data-driven campaigns, and a 22-percent increase in average order amount. Its yearly active customers doubled.
The State of AI In Advertising/Marketing
AI-based bots will become essential for marketing insights. Utilizing machine learning to take the guesswork out of marketing decisions will become essential for the perpetuation of creative, exciting, hearts-and-needle-moving campaigns. –Pini Yakuel, Optimove
4 Unique Ways to Attract and Retain Customers
Optimove offers a sleek suite of tools that enable robust and highly-personalized retention marketing. Using machine learning and predictive analytics, the Optimove platform provides granular segmentation and a powerful execution platform for super-personalized customer communications.

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