In real-money games, some players make their first deposit immediately upon registering, while others can take weeks or even months before depositing any money. What impact does this period—the length of time until their first deposit—have on the player’s subsequent lifecycle and spend patterns?
Mobile game players convert to paying players about 1.9 times faster than web players in social casino games, according to data from mobile marketing company Optimove.
Personalized marketing campaigns are becoming an increasingly popular way to reach specific user segments and engage them efficiently. This is where Optimove comes in.
Optimove users are able to create a personal connection with their customers and to better fulfill their specific needs. The result is a significant increase in retention and engagement and an upsurge in brand loyalty.
Recent research from Optimove reveals that 62 percent of customers will never place a second order from an Internet retailer, and only 16 percent will make more than three orders.
Optimove’s client base includes industry leaders such as Zynga, Outbrain, Nelly, Lucky Vitamin, Caesar’s Interactive Entertainment, and many more… Through hard work, strategic development, and dedication to their mission, Optimove was able to thrive on their own, without the help of external investors.