Instead of focusing on additional features, it can be far more valuable to focus on your product identity. What are you trying to achieve? What problem are you solving?
The core of holding on to existing customers is keeping them happy with great customer service, and at the core of great customer service is managing people’s expectations.
‘Churning’ of retail traders is one of the most poignant concerns of many of today’s FX companies. Optimove CEO Pini Yakuel details his antidote to churning in today’s LeapRate interview.
Ben Roberts, vice president of business development at 1Click Games said: “With all we have seen and heard about Optimove’s capabilities, we expect to see a significant increase in player retention across all our operators.”
As a data driven tool, Optimove isn’t alone in providing tools for online firms to better understand their client’s behavior and lifetime value calculations, but is one of the few directly involved with the forex and binary options market.