Our real-time content recommendation engine helps you deliver personalized, in-the-moment recommendations on your website, app, and marketing channels, without guesswork or complexity. By using flexible testing to determine what works and what doesn’t, you can confidently provide exceptional, personalized experiences to your customers.

Over 20 Recommendation Models
Replace generic content curation with the ultimate personalized experience, using over 20 sophisticated Machine Learning recommendation models to deliver immediate personalized content across all owned channels, including: Similar Items, Popular Near You, Trending, and Recently Purchased. Stay in complete control of how your recommendations are displayed across your digital platforms by customizing page layouts and placements to maximize personalized content.
Recommendations From the First Interaction
Offer personalized content recommendations from the first moment a visitor lands on your platform, during the session and after it finishes. Our intelligent Opti-X algorithms determine your customers’ intent from their first interaction, giving them immediate recommendations based on smart signals like their source, in-session behavior, and more.
Powerful Configuration Rules
Stay in control of what your customers see, not just by utilizing recommended content, but also by layering intelligent business rules on-top of the AI models. Guide the AI models based on your business goals, with configuration rules that take into account sponsored content, product margins, strategic partnerships, and more. For example, choose to promote only products with a profit margin higher than 25%.
Trending and Popular Content
Customers’ interests are constantly evolving. With Opti-X, get live updates on your brand’s trending topics or find out what the most popular product is at any moment in time. Leverage this rich data to keep up with ever-changing customer behaviors to target customers with location and intent-based trending content and maximize your marketing strategies’ impact.
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