Web Personalization

Web personalization is the process of creating a customized experience for each person who visits your website.

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What is Web Personalization?

Web personalization gives website visitors a unique experience, fit for their needs and desires. Customers now expect a personal digital experience that is like the personalization they receive in store. Web personalization is used to create a personalized experience on mobile apps, digital ads, emails, websites, and more. Overall, web personalization is meant to enhance the user experience.

Guide to Advanced Customer Segmentation

Why do you Need Web Personalization?

Because of mobile devices and social media, consumers no longer only receive a personalized experience in person. Customers expect a personalized experience each time they interact with your business, therefore, it is important to personalize your website. When a customer visits your website and gets a personalized experience, they understand that you care about their preferences and interests, which makes them more loyal customers.

Web personalization also allows you to better understand your visitors, so you can better sort them into funnels and capture the most value from them. By providing the most relevant content to each visitor, you encourage customers to re-visit your website and engage with your business.

Types of Website Personalization

Web personalization is created using customer data you have permission to collect and use including geolocation, site behavior, and past purchases. Examples of web personalization can be anything from a welcome message for a new website user to a personalized experience rich with relevant product recommendations for a returning one. Here are ways you can use web personalization to tailor your website to each individual customer:

  • Dynamic content – add web content that changes based on behavior and preferences of the user
  • Recommendations – relevant content or product recommendations according to visitor interactions, behavior trends, and other data
  • Overlays and Pop–Ups – use to highlight a specific offer, discount, or promotion
  • Landing Page – personalize content for each visitor
  • Menu Personalization – reorganize the navigation bar based on the categories the visitor prefers
  • Search Personalization – populate search results based on the visitor’s real time behavior
Web Personalization Examples

The Guide to Advanced Customer Segmentation

Go in depth on advanced segmentation with this guide which was written based on analyzing tens of thousands of segments across Optimove’s customer base.

Website Personalization Strategy

Web personalization can be a great marketing technique if it is done properly. Make sure to think about how you will segment your users, how you will collect the data to identify them, and then create a plan of how you will personalize your website based on your insights. You can also gather data from your visitors through quizzes and surveys.

It is important to use real time data on website visitors to create the best personalized customer experience. You should continue to test and update your web personalization strategy to ensure you are targeting based on your customers’ data. It is also important to include a privacy statement so users can understand what data you are gathering and why. Here are steps you can take to personalize your website:

  • Collect Visitor Data – collect data from your website visitors to understand your customers and how they interact with your website
  • Categorize your Customers – create customer profiles to decide how you can reach your target audience
  • Set Goals – define your goals to determine the most effective way to personalize your website
  • Create a Plan – outline the strategies you will use to personalize your website’s homepage, product page, search results, no search results page, shopping cart page, and more
  • Put your Plan into Action – implement your web personalization strategy
  • Measure Performance – measure the success of your web personalization to identify flaws and adjust

Optimove’s Web Personalization Feature

Optimove helps marketers personalize their websites by analyzing, planning, and executing a personalized marketing plan for your target segments. With this information, you can personalize your website to enhance your customer experience and increase customer loyalty. Contact us today or request a Web demo to learn how you can use Optimove to implement web personalization.

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