Optibot bridges the gap between the science of data and the art of marketing to optimize your customer marketing activities.

Video Transcript

Innovation and originality is kind of like the bedrock of who we are, and we’re committed to continue in that direction. There has always been one overarching challenge that kept us awake at night. There’s this one problem that we have been thinking about for like five years. How do we make the power of the Optimove model more accessible to our users?

The approach that we chose is we said, “Hey, listen, the marketer is still very much in the center.” We need the marketer coming into the office every morning having new ideas, having fresh ideas. We’re going to make science and automation work for the art. So it’s two things. And these are the two things that Optimove has been doing very well for many years, science and automation. And the only thing we’re doing now is we’re just going to strengthen that. So we’re going to do more science, way more science, and way more automation.

Optibot, the First Marketing Optimization Bot

Hello. I am Optibot, Your marketing optimization bot. I continuously scan your campaigns and surface actionable insights hiding in your data in order to optimize your current marketing activities. My insights enable faster, more informed decision-making. That will have a real impact on your business. Engage with me then sit back, relax, and watch your campaigns work for you.

I will comb through your data to give you meaningful insights and recommendations. Get smarter over time by reacting to your feedback. Offer quick tips on how to improve your data. Help you share insights so your whole team can take action. I am Optibot. I empower you to make agile, smart decisions that directly impact performance My insights free you to concentrate on the art of marketing. I am the future of CRM marketing.

Optibot, the first marketing optimization bot.