Turning one-time e-commerce buyers into repeat customers requires combining marketing art with data science.

Video Transcript

I think today what you find is that in modern marketing departments, the employees are not the same people they used to be. So many many years ago they were mainly the artists. Today they can be they are the artist but they have to be number-savvy. And this is changing marketing in many ways. So, I think today what’s happening is in a lot more roles in the business, people should should know more. They should be more versatile in their in their traits and capabilities.

One E-Commerce Challenge: Turning One-Time Buyers into Repeat Customers

In e-commerce in general and retail, there is a huge problem of one-timers, or people that buy only once. And it shows that many many brands are not able to build long-term relationships and loyalty with customers. It is connected to the notion of emotionally-intelligent communication.

I think that what it just means that. I think still companies are looking at marketing as like one big thing and it’s still heavily focused on acquisition. I think once brands realize that they do have a goldmine kind of like under their fingertips in the sense of their existing customer database and once you start talking to these people, market to them and, you know, communicate with them with fresh content, with offers, understand who they are as people. Once you start doing that, you are in a greater position to reduce that number of one-timers and get a lot more people to choose you again and again and again over the competition.

Success Depends on Combining Marketing Art with Data Science

And I think essentially art and science are things that are opposite in many ways, and we find that today marketing those two collide. And all of these technologies enable you to apply more science into marketing. Which makes it very interesting that with automation you get the scale. But nevertheless we feel that still, the level of art is very much needed. So the machine, at least today, is not yet at the point that it completely automates everything and benches the person or the human, the art element of it.